What Do You Mean This Isn't A Beach Cat?
The TK Bremen, a Maltese-flagged freighter, ran aground at the end of last year near the Ria d'Etel (Morbihan).
Wednesday Wipeout.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/37046251 w=466&h=262]
Len10's Crash Megaloop Challenge from Hn3 Productions on Vimeo.
Tillerman Tuesday.
Peekaboo, I see you.
Even great sailors can take a tumble into the sea and break a thing or two. Pobresito, amigo.
Wednesday Wipeout.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88awQyiTT_o]
There's nothing like sailing a fast, seaworthy, and stable sailboat.
Scratch the seaworthy and stable part.
Wreck On Wednesday.
Wednesday Wipeout.
Eh, what the heck. I wanted to go for a swim anyway.
C. A. Marchaj -"To be seaworthy, a vessel must be able to defend herself against the incursion and peril of the sea." and "A competitive approach to sailing: above all, speed. Relatively small, overcanvassed and overpowered boats, suffering notorious lack of stability, dominate the contemporary racing scene."
Wednesday Wipeout. "Some Sailors Love To Fly."
Another View Of The Costa Concordia,
Did someone move the water?
Via kasparallenbach.ch
Wednesday Wipeout.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/33452666 w=465&h=372]
Can you sail? from Simon kearns on Vimeo.
Sailing is a great way to impress a wahine, especially when you know what you are doing.
That was classic! Thank you Mr. Tweezerman.
Wednesday Wipeout. "Goodnight, Turn Off The Lights."
Wednesday Wipeout.
Wreck On Wednesday.
Flash: A Sailboat Is Not A Surfboard (Or A Sponge).
Bad things happen when you confuse the two.
Via H2uh0.
What Happens To Bubba When He Reads Tillerman's Tweets On His iPhone?
Wreck On Wednesday.
Wednesday Wipeout.
Wrong Way Wednesday.
Wednesday Wipeout.
Wednesday Wipeout. "Goodnight Restaurant."
Nighty, night mate!