Foto via Matt Schulz via Jaume Soler tweaked by me.
Foto via Matt Schulz via Jaume Soler tweaked by me.
It's going to be one of those weeks.
Who'd a thunk that you could ride a Pico in high winds. Giddy up!
Cross posted at the water channel.
Wow, tough boat!
I can't. But, Brad Domke can. Down in Puerto Escondido, he rode a beast on a finless board. Taking the cake, it was hands down the biggest wave ever ridden on a skimboard.
Photo of Team Hafren sailing their Wayfarer dinghy with Peel Castle in the background.
Photo by Charlene Howard.
Team Hafren is made up of two sailors, Phillip Kirk and Jeremy Warren, from Thornbury Sailing Club in Gloucestershire, UK. The team set sail on Saturday May 31st with the aim to sail an open boat around mainland Britain in record time. The current best is 76 days and the target is 60 days. They intend to demonstrate self-sufficiency and good seamanship, and in the spirit of sailing adventurer Frank Dye (1928-2010), reaffirm that a Wayfarer dinghy can undertake extended offshore passages safely. Phil and Jeremy seek to foster good will between sailing clubs and leave a trail of TSC pennants in clubhouses around Britain.
The direct distance is 1500 miles and the plan is for approximately ten hops of 200 miles. Each “hop” is three days, with two nights spent at sea. Going clockwise from Weymouth, up the Irish Sea, west of the Isle of Man, they’ll drop into Northern Ireland (mission accomplished) then off up the west coast of Scotland (they're currently sailing in the Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland). This will take in the formidable headlands of Cape Wrath and Duncansby Head, sandbanks of the Thames Estuary, and the familiar headlands of the south coast.
To learn more about the challenge and to follow Team Hafren's progress go to their website or facebook page.
Evidence captured on "film" (okay...digitally) that Laser sailors are crazy.
Hmm, maybe a hiking out isn't a bad thing to do. ......That sure looks like a lot of fun.
Yes fellows, it does get a tad bit windy on the Bay. Let the mayhem begin!
Photo: Luna Rossa/Carlo Borlengh
More oops moments at Sail World.
A blast from the past - Sailing in the surf.
Inspired by Harry.
Giddy up!
Eh, what the heck. I wanted to go for a swim anyway.
C. A. Marchaj -"To be seaworthy, a vessel must be able to defend herself against the incursion and peril of the sea." and "A competitive approach to sailing: above all, speed. Relatively small, overcanvassed and overpowered boats, suffering notorious lack of stability, dominate the contemporary racing scene."
[vimeo w=466&h=201]
Need4Speed: Insight from Phoenix Fly on Vimeo.
More cool Wingsuit BASE proximity flying, this time with Team Need 4 Speed.
What would you do if you lost your mast?
Lucky for these lads and lassies, the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) was nearby.
Jet powered billboard?
Yves Rossy.
Flying lunatic?
Jeb Corliss.
Spotted on the bay today.
I have a zillion 18 footer skiff shots and a fair bit of video. Hokey smokes, I wonder when I can edit it all?
Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.