Kite Boarding

Fuimos A La Playa Y Jugó En La Bahía.

Bay a

Bay b

Bay c

Bay d

Bay e

Bay f

Bay g

Bay h

Bay j

Bay o

Bay n

Bay i

Fun was had by all.

Joe talks to a Kiteboarder.
Joe to Kiteboarder: How long have you been kiteboarding?
Kiteboarder to Joe: I've been kiteboarding for 5 years. Before that, I windsurfed for 20 years.
Joe to Kiteboarder: Do you still windsurf?
Kiteboarder to Joe: No! My buddies and I sold all our gear. Kiteboarding is a lot more fun and less work.
Moral of the story: It's all about fun!

See you on the water!

The Real Reason Kiteboarding Will Become An Olympic Sport.


2012 ISAF Mid-Year Meeting Stresa, Italy

The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) has confirmed the final event and equipment selections for the Rio 2016 Olympic Sailing Competition. The ISAF Council voted that Kiteboarding will replace windsurfing for the men's and women's board events and confirmed that sharks will be used to chase the kiteborders around the course.

"Kiteboarding has proven to us that it is ready to be included into the list of prestigious ISAF Events and it is a fantastic addition to the sailing programme for the 2016 Olympic Games. We expect to see many feeding frenzies caused by kiters lines becoming entangled. Who said sailing isn't a blood sport?"

See Miguel, even the ISAF considers Kiteboarding to be sailing.