
Speaking Of Circumnavigators.

On this day in 1895, Captain Joshua Slocum departed Boston on board his sloop Spray. He sailed 46,000 miles around the world single-handed, returning to Newport on June 27, 1898. Captain Slocum was the first person to sail around the world alone.

That's a lot of boat for one guy to handle considering that this was undertaken in the late 19th century.

No computers, GPS, radio, hydraulics, plumbing,!

Links: Joshua Slocum Society | Sailing Around The World Alone

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Link Of The Day: GeoGarage.

GeoGarage pour la diffusion et la consultation de vos cartographies numériques via l'Internet.
GeoGarage took NOAA charts and overlaid them with mapping server data from Google, Microsoft and Yahoo to demonstrate their technology. Check out the demo, it's pretty damn cool.

Via Craig.

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Let's Go Fly A Kite Up To The Highest Height. The Age of Sail Returns.

Kite power, kite power baby!

The age of sail is about to make a return. The 433 ft long
MV “Beluga SkySails” will make her maiden voyage using
kite power as a supplement in January. She will go across
the Atlantic to Venezuela, up to Boston and back to Europe.

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