
Gobble, Gobble!

Huh, where's the turkey?

You mean Miss Turkey, Gizem Memic?

(any excuse to show a wahine)

How about some Wild Turkey?

Turkey Feather recipe
2 oz Wild Turkey® bourbon whiskey
1/2 oz Drambuie® Scotch whisky
1/4 oz Amaretto Di Saronno® liqueur

Stir and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Add a slice of orange, and serve.
Serve in: Old-Fashioned Glass


Horse’s Neck
2 oz bourbon (Wild Turkey not Jim Beam, hey it's turkey day, get with the program!)
2 dashes Angostura bitters
ginger ale

Coat a Collins glass with bitters. Add ice and bourbon, stir, add ginger ale and serve
with a twist of lemon.

Make sure that you enjoy an adult beverage or two tomorrow.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I'll see you next week.