I've become obsessed on finding a Laser.
Other boats won't do. How did you brainwash me?
Truth be told there a lot of terrible boats on the used
market. I know, I must have looked at half of them.
How old is this boat? I believe it was built in the 60s.
(note: Beware when no mention of the boat's age is
in the ad. Also, beware when the photo looks like it is from
a manufacturer's website or is a distance shot.)
How about the sail? Original.
Hmmm, the transom looks pretty sketchy.
I used an outboard on it all last summer, she's
God knows I don't want another project, just a nice
used Laser. Can anyone help me?
Some of you have asked me about using the Banshee
as a Summer play toy.
Banshee downwind = pearling = swimming. It's fine
for the Winter when there is less wind. No me gusto.
Tags: laser, laser sailing, dinghy sailing, in search for a damn laser, sailing
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