Fish On Fridays. (Charlot, "Voici La Vahiné.")
Fish On Fridays. (Charlot, "Voici La Vahiné.")
Rotorhead Goes Fishing.
[vimeo w=466&h=262]
Winter Roi Hunt from rotorhead guy on Vimeo.
Hawaiian style, spearfishing that is, not with a net.
This brings back many memories. Mahalo Rotorhead.
Fish On Fridays.
Let's go fishing!
Fish On Fridays. (Poisson Le Vendredi.)
Australian Pineapplefish: (Scientific name: Cleidopus gloriamaris. Family: Monocentrididae.) Found in caves and under ledges of rocky, occasionally coral-reef habitats. Max length of about 22cm. Found in depths from 6m to 200m.
Ah-ha, you weren't expecting a fish, were you?
Stolen from Friday Fish Time.
Fish On Fridays. "Little Bruna Loves To Fish." (Thank You Moldy Chum!)
She loves to fish.
She surfs. (that's an understatment)
...and she loves horses. (plus she's from Brasil)
Inspired by Moldy Chum!
Fish On Fridays.
Fish On Fridays. (Charlot, "Voici La Vahiné.")
Fish On Fridays.
Fish On Fridays.
Fish On Fridays.
Mike's Big Fish.
Hola Miguel, we found your fish. He's scoping out the waters around the Canaries.
Fish On Fridays. (Oh Look, A Wahine.)
The mermaid and Mr. Big Teeth.
Got to keep Miguel happy, he's not a fan of photos of aquatic kinetic sculptures.
Fish On Fridays. "The Romance Of Fishing At Sea During The 19th Century"
Fish On Fridays.
Fish On Fridays.
Fish On Fridays.
Starfish or sea stars are echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea. The names "starfish" and "sea star" essentially refer to members of the class Asteroidea. However, common usage frequently finds "starfish" and "sea star" also applied to ophiuroids which are correctly referred to as "brittle stars" or "basket stars".
There are about 1,800 living species of starfish that occur in all the world's oceans, including the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian as well as in the Arctic and the Southern Ocean (i.e., Antarctic) regions. Starfish occur across a broad depth range from the intertidal to abyssal depths (>6000 m).
Starfish are among the most familiar of marine animals and possess a number of widely known traits, such as regeneration and feeding on mussels. Starfish possess a wide diversity of body forms and feeding methods. The extent that Asteroidea can regenerate varies with individual species. Broadly speaking, starfish are opportunistic feeders, with several species having specialized feeding behavior, including suspension feeding and specialized predation on specific prey.
The Asteroidea occupy several important roles throughout ecology and biology. Sea stars, such as the Ochre sea star (Pisaster ochraceus) have become widely known as the example of the keystone species concept in ecology. The tropical Crown of Thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) are voracious predators of coral throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Other starfish, such as members of the Asterinidae, are frequently used in developmental biology.
Read more at Wikipedia.