fish on fridays

Fish On Fridays.

Shawn caught a nice 72lb sailfish from the cockpit of his kayak.
"I think the first thing I remember seeing was the bill, and saying, “What the hell am I going to do now?” I was thinking marlin, and that I was going to die. Then I noticed the sail, and of course assumed sailfish, but having never seen one or ever even had the vaguest idea that I might catch one, I was only guessing. The thing was leaping everywhere, tailwalking across the surface, and whipping that spear around like it was trying to throw it at me."

Fish On Fridays. Fish Beer Does Winter.

[vimeo 19070089 w=465 h=308]

Winter from fishbeer on Vimeo.

I'm starting to feel sympathetic for our brethren stuck in the middle and eastern portions of our fair land. Didn't the Tzar and Stalin send people to the icy tundra for punishment? I hope your Siberian winter ends soon. Good luck and drink lots of bourbon.
Via Moldy Chum. see also fishbeer.

Fish On Fridays.....This Could Get Hairy. [Video]


Four fishermen from New Zealand had the ride of their lives when they attempted to cross a river in dangerous conditions.

Eager to return home (eager for what? hmm, I wonder) after a week's fishing trip, the captains of two boats decided to risk crossing Grey River despite the choppy waters.

The current and waves were so strong it was almost impossible for either of the boats to advance. More at the Telegraph.

Lesson: You guys were lucky this time. Don't go looking for trouble, even if you're eager.

P.S. Good commercial for the boat designer and manufacuter.