Fish On Fridays.
Santa Goes Sailing.
Santa Goes Surfing.
Santa of the day.
Wa'SUP Santa!
Santa of the day.
Santa ain't no Iyengar yoga guy, dat's po suh brah!
Tillerman Tuesday.
Oh The Hermanity!
Burning it up with at full throttle!
Hat tip Fuu.
Bad Santa!
Santa Of The Day.
Typical Software Engineers Hard At Work.
Santa Of The Day.
Santa Of The Day.
Right in the face. I hate when that happens.
Boat: Finn dinghy.
It Begins.
The Morning After.
Is It The Weekend Yet?
I need some cheap rum!
On second thought maybe I should stay away from the sauce. I'm starting to see hallucinations out on the water. Wait a second, that's not a hallucination. Maybe somebody else should stay off the sauce.
What Else Is A Laser Good For?
I wonder, do you think the Tillerman is a SUL (Stand Up Laser) paddler?
What Happens To Bubba When He Reads Tillerman's Tweets On His iPhone?
Mad Monday. Richard Branson, Eat Your Heart Out.
99% of us can't lay out the mula for an island. But, if you have a little ingenuity and madness, you can build one. British (of course he's British) artist Richart "Rishi" Sowa went to Mexico and built his own floating paradise. (mind you, it's all in the eye of the beholder) Rishi filled nets with empty discarded plastic bottles to support a structure of plywood and bamboo, on which he poured sand and planted numerous plants, including mangroves.
Thank God for eccentrics.