Sometimes, The Last Place You Want To Be Is At The Beach.
Wrecks On Wednesday.
I think someone is line for a promotion after such a fantastic display of his navigation skills. Well done, sir! Mind you, the rangers are pissed that you didn't pay the entrance fee.
Fish On Fridays. Marlin 1 - Fishermen 0
One commenter on Marlin Magazine's Facebook post who apparently had some knowledge of the incident said that the captain fell as he was backing down on the fish at full throttle. The boat took on too much water and, finally, there was no correcting the situation.
Marlin Magazine reported that the boat went to the bottom of the sea and everybody on board was rescued by the photo boat. And, of course, the fish got away. "
Wrecks On Wednesday.
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, this is not a hobie cat!
The Panagia F aground on Shipwreck Beach in Praia Santiago, Angola.
Source: Naval Architecture. Orginal photo from the Daily Mail.
Down She Goes To Davy Jones' Locker. [Video]
The Ciao, a Sweden Yacht 45, met with a sad end by fiding her way to the bottom of the sea. Thankfully, the crew was rescued. Bad things do happen at sea, so be prepared. Participate at the next safety at sea seminar when it comes to your town.
Wednesday Wipeout.
Via Scuttlebutt:
Day 1 at Etchells Australian Nationals: Raymond Smith’s St John’s Dance was well placed midway through the final downwind leg when the boat lost control on a wave, broached wildly and snapped the spinnaker pole. Now totally out of control, the spinnaker pulled the yacht down sideways, it filled with water and slowly, painfully slowly, sank to the bottom, leaving just the top half of the mast visible. All three crew emerged unscathed, but the yacht will spend the night on the bottom of Cockburn Sound, forcing a day’s rest on the crew, and effectively snuffing out any chance they had at the national title.
Wednesday Wipeout! (Oracle Faw Down An' Go Boom)
"To be seaworthy, a vessel must be able to defend herself against the incursion and peril of the sea."- C. A. Marchaj.
Mr. Spithill, thanks for pushing the boat to the limit, your wages will be garnished starting with your next paycheck.
It's a good thing that Mr. Deep Pockets has money to throw around and can fund this endeavor.
hat tip to my lawn guy.
Wednesday Wipeout.
What Happens When You Sail Too Close To A Container Ship?
note: The photos are a little blurry. I saw these guys off in the distance while hanging out at the Nespresso 18' Skiff International. I knew that there was going to be trouble, so I grabbed my camera and pointed it in their direction.
Wreck On Wednesday.
Wreck On Wednesday. (Photography Tip Number One)
Wreck On Wednesday.
Monday Mishap.
Aujourd'hui à La Rochelle, la saison a commencé !
Via Tonio Burning.
Wreck On Wednesday.
There is nothing sadder for a sailor to see than a beautiful sailboat run aground.
Via Hawkfish's photostream.
Wednesday Wipeout. "Ouch!"
A compilation of dunderhead moves or as Craig would say, bonehead moves on the water.
Via Mark Denzer, circumnavigator of Oahu, inventor of the Hawaiian FrankenLaser and heroic sailor!
What Do You Mean This Isn't A Beach Cat?
The TK Bremen, a Maltese-flagged freighter, ran aground at the end of last year near the Ria d'Etel (Morbihan).
Wreck On Wednesday.
If At First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again.
I know honey, this cruise didn't turn out the way we wanted. But let's give them a second chance. What are the odds of them screwing it up again?
What do you mean we have no power? So are you telling me I won't be getting my rum and coke?
Not exactly what I call good for the brand.
I guess it wasn't the Love Boat.
Rescue From A Cold Sea.
The trawler Trec'her ran aground on Wednesday (2/29) morning at 6:30 about 800 meters from the shore of Île de Batz. The video above shows the dramatic rescue of the crew was by the French Navy. Est-ce que je peux avoir un coup de bourbon ?